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EnviroNZ continues leading the industry in sustainability

CS-VUE delivers comprehensive oversight, automated management and real-time environmental data.

EnviroNZ is one of New Zealand’s most successful and highly respected waste services operators. With over 36 sites nationwide and a fleet of more than 500 vehicles, the organisation offers end-to-end residential, commercial and construction waste management services. These include collecting, treating, repurposing, and safely disposing of hazardous substances and new organisms (HASNO).

Underpinning all EnviroNZ’s operations is a strong commitment to protecting the environment and exemplary sustainability practices. The company follows best-practice waste management processes and minimises the use of non-renewable resources. In addition to its strict internal policies, EnviroNZ must also meet a raft of external compliance obligations and deadlines.

Managing the complexity of meeting these high standards would be almost impossible without the automation and oversight delivered by CS-VUE.

35 sites, hundreds of consents

Across 35 sites, EnviroNZ must manage hundreds of consents for environmental impact metrics. However, the company had no streamlined method for monitoring and managing the compliance of each site. This lack of oversight threatened to undermine EnviroNZ’s legal and social licences to operate and expose it to a risk of fines or legal action.

Better oversight and control would help minimise these risks, and make it easier for the EnviroNZ team to deliver on its sustainability principles.

Implementing CS-VUE gave EnviroNZ the oversight needed to monitor and act on its resource consents, ensure it used land responsibly, and meet internal standards.

Simplified, automated management and oversight

Using CS-VUE’s cloud-based platform, EnviroNZ now has a comprehensive view of its sites and associated consent conditions. A customised dashboard delivers alerts and updates according to these conditions, minimising administration and the risk of error.

Real-time environmental data

A network of environmental sensors feeds real-time data into CS-VUE. These sensors monitor landfill gas, waste, ground and stormwater quality and volume, chemical discharges, soil health, emissions and vehicle movements. CS-VUE analyses this information against pre-set criteria from hundreds of consents, surfacing concerning trends early. This insight lets staff take action before any conditions are breached.

Bespoke alerts

A bespoke system reminds on-the-ground staff about routine and scheduled tasks they must complete. Then, if a site stays non-compliant for more than a few days, the system will alert senior management, who can take immediate action. This protects the organisation against noncompliance and helps deliver on its internal health, safety and sustainability goals.

Improved transparency

CS-VUE also simplifies reporting. The EnvironNZ team can now easily access concrete evidence of its performance, which helps the company maintain positive relationships with regulators and local communities.

From compliance to continuous improvement

EnviroNZ is now confidently delivering on internal expectations and remaining compliant with the consent conditions.

With CS-VUE’s real-time data, automated alerts and comprehensive oversight, EnviroNZ has expanded its focus from just risk minimisation to continuous improvement. This new level of performance further cements the organisation’s position as an industry leader in environmental stewardship.

Learn how CS-VUE can turn compliance into a competitive advantage – get in touch.

CS-VUE enables us to keep track of each site’s compliance status and to check that local site staff are doing their required testing and reporting. It provides alerts to ensure that consent requirements aren’t overlooked and reduces the potential for regulatory noncompliance. This helps foster a culture of quality performance and continuous improvement.

Laurence Dolan – Environmental Manager – EnviroNZ

Software to enhance your organisation’s environmental compliance and risk management